League Meeting held at Aldersley 18th May
The individual results are on the link.Midland League_6Team_v1 7_PlasticsPlus Totals and the team scores are in:
totals More details to follow.
Club Night Thursday 11th April
Paul Tabor has just sent in the results from the club night on Thursday 11th April
Birchfield Thursday 21st April
John Abbiss reports on some of the athletes at Aldersley and Birchfield.
Hi Simon heres how my lot got on U17 men Jack Bonser 3rd 800 m 2.06 u20 men Jamie Pratt 5th 1500 4.45 U15 boys Jamie Ward 2nd 800 2.20 heat 2 Ryan Hodgkiss 1st 2.,26 Harry Cresswell 4th 2.30 girls U20 1500 1st Kay Oakley buy ativan in us 5.01 U17 800 1st Hannah Campion 2.26 3rd Jess Clark 2.29 6th Molly Perkins 2.42
Amelia Samuels had a busy weekend running sub 22 5k on Saturday in the Park Run. Winning 800 m at Tri league in 2.39 on Sunday morning then posting a time that ranks her top 10 at moment in the country at 1200 m by winning Birchfield open Sunday afternoon.
Excellent P Bs for 90% of all Wolves and Bilston athletes that ran the distance races on Sunday.
The results are now available.