Club Development Plan 2016 to 2020
This plan outlines our intentions as a club for the next 4 years and is centred on long term sustainability of the club. With focus areas on; ensuring the youth section of the club continues to thrive, the club has sufficient volunteers to work efficiently and effectively and to ensure we are equitable and open to all.
- Continued Development of the links with the schools
The club already has good links with many schools and promotes a number of events which are hosted at Aldersley Leisure Village and at the schools. Resource and time limitations means that there are still many schools who do not actively promote athletics or have links with ourselves. With a limited amount of coaches available we need to be realistic in what we can offer.
Work with selected schools and facilities to promote athletics and feed younger people into the club.
- Continue to promote the cross country events both for primary and secondary schools, trying to increase the uptake from schools in Wolverhampton and encouraging participants to come and join sessions at the club.
- Carry on working with our Network partners BCAN / Wolverhampton Sports Development Team to establish a group of coaches to help deliver sessions.
- Working with WASP (Wolverhampton Sports Primary Schools) to promote athletics in the community.
- Continued development of volunteer network throughout club.
The club is entirely dependent on people giving up their time voluntarily.
Look at the clubs volunteer structure (Coaches, Officials, Admin, Marshalls, Drivers, and Helpers) and fill missing gaps. (Committee)
- Ensure that volunteers are properly trained have the appropriate accreditation.
- Delivery of an athletics official’s course.
- In-house awards for recognising volunteers. Including Volunteer of the Month.
- Arrange a club official/ coach social evening.
- Specific recruitment and continued development of coaches.
3. Encouragement of disabled and disadvantaged people to join the club and participate in the club.
There are already established programmes in place which are run by Adrian Dillon.
Participate in Wolverhampton Sport Development Disability Multi sport programmes
- Continue to run the courses at AVH for disabled and disadvantaged people.
- Officials to attend disability events.
- Ensure that disabled athletes are encouraged to take part in competitions where appropriate.
- Appoint a disability officer.
Maintain and Increase the Membership of the Club
4. We have made good progress in this area over the last few years, principally due to the efforts of the Membership Secretary.
Continued support to beginners to join the club including having two beginners courses every year starting in March and September.
- Improve methods of communication to members via the web-site and social media. This should include a regular facility for feedback and membership surveys.
- Have an information and IT structure in place to maintain a good data base of members, parents, volunteers and coaches.
- Improve our standing in the community with more publicity, marketing and communication.
- Increase the number of social events we have, encouraging further interaction between all parts of the club.
5. Improve the working relationship between Aldersley Leisure Village and other Clubs using the site.
Whilst the club has a reasonable relationship with ALV there are benefits in improving this and working together with other users of the site.
Regular meetings with ALV and other clubs on mutually beneficial issues.
- Liaise with Wolverhampton Council (WV) on marketing initiatives.
- Organise joint events and other events including 50 year celebrations in 2017.
6. Improvement in standards of coaching through-out the club.
Whilst we have many good coaches we are sometimes not co-ordinated as we should be as we do not have a head coach or a coaching coordinator.
- Coaches to set realistic objectives for individual athletes and their groups.
- Development of coaching to encourage elite athletes to train with the club.
- Appoint a Head Coach or a Coaching Coordinator if one becomes available.
- Ensure coaches have the appropriate up to date qualifications and are listed on the web site.
- Maintain and Improve the Facilities of the Club.
- Work with Aldersley Leisure Village to maintain and improve the overall facilities of the club so that it is capable of hosting large events both on the track and cross country events.
- Liaise with ALV to ensure that there is the appropriate athletics equipment available for athletic events and training.
- Improve specifically the facilities for the throwers which are currently inadequate.
- Club Governance
- Obtain and maintain the Club Mark standard, thereby demonstrating good governance.
- Ensure that good control is maintained over Finances to ensure that the club can continue to thrive.
- Obtain external funding including grant funding and sponsorship for projects where appropriate.
- Ensure Committee structure is in place to get the best results from a club full of volunteers.
- The Club Development Plan should be reviewed by the Committee on a six monthly basis.