We believe that all athletes at the club should be treated equally and fairly and should know what is expected of you from the club. This means that standards and guidelines are in place to ensure we get the best from our athletes while representing the club. If you are serious about doing well and performing to the best of your ability listed below is our code of conduct.
This code of conduct will apply at all club activities including training sessions, race meetings, social events and in any public social media channels (Facebook, Twitter etc) or via digital communications such as email.
- Behave sensibly and with consideration for others at all times.
- Do not behave aggressively, either verbally or physically to anyone. No sexual or racial harassment (intimidation or bullying.)
- Do not swear or use obscene language or gestures.
- Do promote a good image of Wolverhampton & Bilston
- Do have fun and enjoy yourselves
- Recognise the importance of team spirit congratulate and support fellow athletes
- Learn and respect the rules do not disobey or argue with officials and coaches.
- Our Wolverhampton & Bilston club vest must be worn for competition purposes.
- Pay your training fees and annual subscriptions promptly.
- Keep to the agreed times for training and competition make sure you are wearing the correct kit for training. T-shirt or vest shorts, a sweatshirt or tracksuit a pair of trainers/spike shoes (with 6mm spikes max allowed on track.) Waterproof clothing if it rains and warm and dry clothing if required.
- You should inform your coach/team manager if you are going to be late or you cannot attend the training session or of any injury. Under 16 members will notify a responsible club member if they have to leave the premises for any reason. You must also notify that person (what where and when you will return).
- When the club are operating a waiting list for new members any non-attendance for 2 continuous months will be taken as an indication that the athlete no longer wishes to train and the vacancy this creates will be offered to an athlete currently on the waiting list. If the non-attending athlete then wishes to return they may find themselves placed on the waiting list.
- If anything makes you concerned or uncomfortable or if you think a fellow athlete has suffered from misconduct you should inform the club welfare officer (any information given will be treated in confidence by the club).