Address and Postcode: Aldersley Rd, Wolverhampton WV6 9NW
Details and maps for our course
At the start you do 1.5 laps of the athletics track [counter clockwise] then onto course.
Then at the finish you re-enter the athletics track and run clockwise for about 250m.
Strava Segment:
Race start time is 10.30am 19th December 2021. We recommend you arrive 45 mins beforehand to get warmed up.
If you entered after the 7th December, you will need to pick up your number from our race desk which will be situated in the stand next to our athletics track. Please bring pins with you. We suggest you arrive around 9.30am.
There is a Costa Coffee at Aldersley leisure centre, where you can wait in the warm drink coffee and by your supporters some well-deserved cake! You are welcome to use the changing rooms with showers and toilets. There are other events on at the stadium too so we will be sharing the facilities with Hockey and Football teams.
Lockers are available – bring a 20p coin.
If you are cycling to the Winter Warmer there are plenty of bike racks but please, try to bring a D Lock.
Bus from Wolverhampton town centre: Number 6.
We would politely ask you to car share where possible to cut down on traffic and parking.
The race is run on footpaths and roads [no road closures] so please make sure you look out for traffic and pedestrians along the way and please do not use headphones. However, bone conduction headphones are permitted. Our marshals will do their very best to keep your race safe – they may need to give you instructions and guidance, which is why we are following UKA guidelines with headphones.
So, here’s some less serious information!
Men and women:
Winners £60 – free entry to 2022 Winter Warmer
2nd £50 – free entry to 2022 Winter Warmer
3rd £40 – free entry to 2022 Winter Warmer
Men and women junior winners
£25 – free entries to next 2022 Winter Warmer
All age category winners men and women:
£15 plus free entry to next 2022 Winter Warmer
£15 spot prize to the best judged fancy dress [Christmas themed]!!!

All of us at the Wolves Race Team are massively excited about this event. It has been 2 years since we have been able to host a road race so we can’t wait to see you all there.
If you need any more information don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Adam Guy, Race Director, Wolverhampton & Bilston AC