The Race Walking team consisting of Vicky Morgan (U17), Alice Laurie (U17), Eleanor Jackson (U17) and Daniel Watling (U13) competed in the Jefford Ford Memorial and RWA Young Athletes Grand Prix at Don Valley Stadium in Sheffield on April 19th 2008.
In the U17 girls race over 5km, Eleanor Jackson came 5th with a time of 34:17. Alice Laurie came 4th with a time of 32:17, buy levitra online australia while Vicky Morgan won the race with a time of 27:28. This means that Vicky is now ranked top of the U17 girls 5km event, beating Lauren Whelan’s time of 27:46. Well done Vicky!
Daniel Watling did extremely well, coming in 2nd in his U13 3k boys race, with a time of 12:34.